Cabinet Painting

5-Star Cabinet Painting in the Kansas City Area

Why trust Driggs Finishing With Your Cabinet Painting Project?

Renovating your kitchen can be a significant undertaking, and you may not know who to trust with it. With our premium cabinet painting services, you can achieve a fresh look that breathes new life into your kitchen space.

A Look Inside Our Cabinet Painting Process

Step 1: Personalized Consultation

Paint swatches layed out to help with choosing cabinet paint color

Our process begins with a thorough consultation to understand your vision and style preferences. We collaborate closely with you to select the perfect color palette and finish that harmonizes with your unique taste.

Step 2: Protection

A white kitchen with plastic masking to protect the home from dust

We take protecting your home and belongings very seriously. Flooring, walls, and any other surfaces not being painted are covered with thick masking to keep paint inside the project area. Ventilation equipment is installed to keep dust to a minimum.

Step 3: Surface Preparation

Kitchen cabinets being sanded before repainting

The key to a flawless finish lies in proper surface preparation. We meticulously prepare your cabinets by removing doors and hardware, degreasing surfaces, and performing any necessary repairs to ensure a smooth and even surface for the enamel application.

Step 4: Premium Paint Selection

An open can of white  paint ready to be used on kitchen cabinets

We hold ourselves to the highest standards, which is why we exclusively use premium-grade paints from brands specializing in cabinet coatings. These paints are known for their durability and superior coverage, vital for any kitchen.

Step 5: Expert Application

With great care and attention to detail, we apply the paint using advanced techniques to achieve a flawless, streak-free finish, or a clean, hand-brushed finish for an older heritage look.

A green cabinet door sprayed with a smooth shiny finish
Oak kitchen cabinets painted with navy blue accent color

Revitalize Your Kitchen Cabinets Today!

Unlock the true potential of your kitchen cabinets with our premium painting services. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, and let us create a kitchen that exudes timeless beauty and sophistication.